The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Vital Signs Exhibition & Neon Metropolis Workshop - Event Highlight
In the Vital Signs exhibition tour for Members, they discovered the history and creation story behind Hong Kong’s ubiquitous neon signs – although we see them come alive every night, everyone was amazed at the combination of craftsmanship and artistry that goes into their making. Participants also found out about the dedicated efforts taking place to preserve these neon masterpieces. Afterwards, they participated in a Neon Metropolis Workshop to draw their own buildings and signs, then were thrilled to contribute to the exhibit by putting their works on display. Rounding out the glow, Members took photos at a vivid neon signs installation for a colourful memento. The whole experience renewed everyone’s appreciation for one of the most unique aspects of our Hong Kong cityscape.
Video Highlights
Neonpolis - From Legend To Legacy
Neon signs are vanishing, but their legacy lives on. Members got a behind-the-scenes look at neon sign history and conservation, crafting a mini 'neonpolis' honouring the legend. A group photo op with a neon installation solidified the sparkling experience. Watch now for highlights.
Event Snapshots
Relive the best moments through captivating snapshots from the event.