The Hong Kong Jockey Club
Meet The Sommeliers
The Club’s sommeliers are united in their passion for wine, yet are as diverse as any group of professionals could be. They’re homegrown or hail from foreign shores, are Club veterans or come from fine outside restaurants and bars, are self-taught over decades or hold a raft of certifications under their belts.

Wherever their source of inspiration, they’re all endless wine explorers, eager to share the latest finds, classic pours and wine backstories with Member guests. Get to know these ultimate wine aficionados, who are ready to reveal new worlds of wine with every seat you take at their tables.
Head of Wine
Sébastien Chevalier

Sébastien’s wine career is studded with stars – Michelin Stars, that is -- from l’Ambroisie in Paris to Foliage in London, Amber in Hong Kong and Le Comptoir’s fine dining restaurant at Repulse Bay. From these and other top-tier establishments and groups along the way, he arrived as HKJC’s Head of Wine in 2019 to oversee all the dynamic wine programmes across the Club. Despite his breadth of knowledge, he says it still all comes down to the palate. “Each wine has its own distinct personality and story, just as each person has their own unique palate, made up of personal preferences, sensations and memories. That’s what makes drinking wine so endlessly fascinating!”
The Hilltop in The Valley
Andrés Torres, Head Sommelier

Head Sommelier Andrés Torres holds a dizzying array of certifications in the wine world, from French, Italian, South African and Portuguese categories and more, to sake and his favourite Champagne and sherry -- along with his serious love for Chinese teas. Perhaps his passion is not surprising as this Argentinian grew up surrounded by wine culture – “It’s our national drink!” he says. He happily invites travellers along on his lifelong wine journey, revealing to them his new discoveries, favourite finds and whichever bottle that is sure to make them smile.

Simon Lo, Assistant Head Sommelier

A good bottle of Australian Shiraz was all it took to ignite Simon’s fascination with wine. Since then he’s developed a special knowledge and love for Spanish wines and German Rieslings, but his mantra and advice to all guests is “be open-minded.” In his role as Assistant Head Sommelier, he continues to feed his wine passion and curiosity, believing that wine is a lifelong pleasure filled with infinite new discoveries. His next dream step on his wine journey is to work a whole season in a winery to experience the entire wine-making process and see firsthand the effect of terroir.

Senki Ma, Sommelier

Senki knows his way around the sommelier world, having held the position at Hong Kong’s Arcane, Épure, The Press Room, The Principal and other acclaimed establishments, before taking up the same role at The Hilltop in The Valley. He feels perhaps his greatest learning experience has been at the Club, with wine expert Members always expanding his perspective as much as he does theirs. His passion is the same today as it was at his first meaningful wine experience when a host served a bottle of Brunello de Montalcino – “It was unforgettable!” he says. The memory inspires him still.

Kenneth Ip, Assistant Restaurant Manager

Kenneth is an intuitive wine lover, believing every glass tells you all you need to know about the wine through sight, smell and taste. In his role as Assistant Restaurant Manager, he also tries to match the wine to the person, not necessarily the food, be it an out-of-the-box selection, quality for money or a big wine sure to impress. His favourites are organic and biodynamic wines that truly capture the full essence of the terroir.

Kevin Lee, Captain

The land Down Under ignited Kevin’s fascination with wine. As a restaurant server in Australia he started trying wines by the glass -- each new sip was like turning the page in a book he couldn’t put down, with infinite chapters yet to open. Though most Members have tried the great wines, in his role as Captain he loves to introduce new vintages to surprise them. His personal favourite is still a crisp, refreshing Sauvignon Blanc that takes him back to sunny days in Oz, under a shade tree with glass in hand – “What more could you ask for?”
The Crest
Maurice Low, Wine Shop Manager

For Maurice, whose passion is in sharing and talking about wines with others, his role as Wine Shop Manager at The Hilltop in The Valley couldn’t be more apt. With more than 14 years in the wine retail and private sale industry, this WSET Level 3 professional is equally certified across the wine, spirits and sake worlds, yet remains most enamoured with Burgundy Chardonnays and Pinot Noirs – two singled-out grape varietals that display such versatility in style, aroma and on the palate. As he always says to customers, “when you find a wine you love, always stock more bottles.”

Miya Chong, Wine Specialist

One of Miya’s guiding philosophies is that passion will lead the way to excellence, as the polyglot demonstrates with her degree in Japanese studies, which ultimately led her work as a wine and sake merchandiser before becoming a wine specialist at The Crest. Wine pervades every moment of life for Miya (except for maybe breakfast, she quips), who has happily taken on the role of Aomori Sake Ambassador 2023-2024. While not sharing her love for sake, she enjoys indulging in a glass of Loire Valley Cabernet Franc, which she claims is the best in the world.

Sugar Cheung, Wine Specialist

Sugar’s previous experience working as a flight attendant gifted her the thirst for travel. As she travelled the world and tasted its gastronomic delights, she immersed herself in different cultures and discovered a love for wine as well. It may come as no surprise her favourite wine region is Burgundy, with its intersection of history, artistry and its captivating expression of terroir. As a wine specialist at The Hilltop in The Valley, Sugar stives to anticipate the needs of our Members with unparalleled attention to detail – always happy to convey and suggest incredible new recommendations. As she says, “you never try, you never know!”
Sha Tin Clubhouse
Tyler Ho, Restaurant Manager (Centurion Restaurant)

In 2021, Tyler moved from his position as Assistant Sommelier at The Peninsula Hong Kong into the plum role of Restaurant Manager at Sha Tin Clubhouse, responsible for the entire wine programme for six dining outlets. A dedicated wine researcher, particularly of U.S. vintages, he says greater knowledge enhances the experience of all wine lovers. Tyler believes that wine unlocks the doors to great relationships and he loves creating joy for his guests through good food and good wine. His dream wine? Screaming Eagle 1997, though Champagne is his favourite pour at home.

Victor Tam, Assistant Restaurant Manager (Centurion Restaurant)

Victor is a Certified Sommelier and Sommelier of Sake who cut his teeth at some of the top dining establishments in Hong Kong, from Restaurant Petrus to 8 ½ Otto E Mezzo Bombana, Tin Lung Heen and more. A lover of learning as much as of oenology, Victor would spend hours tasting and studying about wine as a hobby while also completing his studies in hospitality and hotel management. To him, the art of appreciating wine is all about slowly savouring it: “Pay attention to the wine’s evolution – how the flavours develop and how its elements work in harmony to create a unique sensory experience.”
Beas River Country Club
Matthew Kam, Restaurants Manager

Matthew’s CV pops with impressive names – Nobu, Amber and Wine Spectator Best of Award of Excellence among them. He brings this sophistication to his role as Restaurants Manager where he finds Members always willing to be adventurous with new pours he can introduce. His own personal favourite wine is a good Burgundy – “a joy from beginning to end.” Matthew’s beverage interests are wide-ranging; he’s hoping to take whiskey and tea courses to add to the sake sommelier and barista certifications he already has under his belt.
Ken Chu, Beverage Manager

Wine is a total sensory experience for Beverage Manager Ken Chu, with look and aroma as important as taste to any wine experience he delivers. This well-rounded approach leads to fascinating conversations with his guests as he learns their particular preferences and what will please them most. He has a breadth of knowledge to fall back on, not only from his time at the Club since 2009, but gained from beverage management positions at multiple Café Deco Group outlets and hotels in Hong Kong and Macau.

Roy Chan, Assistant Beverage Manager

Members have seen Roy pouring many different kinds of bottles at the Club since 2006, including as Assistant Beverage Manager since early 2022. This wide exposure has fed his curiosity and open mind and he’s always drawn to rare and unusual vintages. He’s fascinated how the marriage of man and nature makes each wine unique. Along the way he’s found time to be a contender in the Great China Sommelier Competition four times and hold a position as Vice President of the Hong Kong Bartenders Association. His key to success? “Respect yourself, the work you do and your profession.”

Dextor To, Assistant Restaurant Manager

The first time Dextor was presented a wine list of more than 100 vintages, he was inspired to learn as much as he could. His interest even expanded to other beverages, leading to his winning a slew of bartending competition awards in tipples as diverse as Italian, Baijiu, Irish, Perrier and even Tea cocktails. As Assistant Restaurant Manager, Racecourses, that first thrill of wine discovery has never left him and he has a massive memory bank to guide guests on the perfect wine and food pairings.